The Quai Branly Museum is close from the Eiffel tower in Paris. It is dedicated to native art and culture of the five continents. We saw there two exhibitions:
Exposition Le Rire, l'Horreur et la Mort.
Laught, Terror and Death : painted film poster and images of the dead in Ghana
Cercueil en forme de thon.
Tuna shaped coffin.
Le film parle d'un arbre démoniaque qui demande des sacrifices humains.
This film plot is supposed to be on a demonic tree asking for human sacrifices.
Rose Eken, Metallica 1981-2012 - peinture sur carton / paint on cartboard.
Elodie Lesourd, Only Rock.
Elodie Lesourd, Heaven in his youth.
Bruno Serralongue, Destination Vegas.
Le 24 novembre 1996, Johnny Hallyday donnait un concert unique à l'Aladin Hotel Casino à Las Vegas. Le public était composé de fans français qui avaient traversé l'Atlantique pour voir leur idole. Cinq milles d'entre-eux prirent l'avion spécialement affrété pour cet événement pour un séjour éclair de trois jours dans la capitale du Nevada.
On 24 November 1996, veteran French rock rocker Johnny Hallyday gave a unique performance at the Aladin Hotel Casino in Las Vegas. What made it unusual was that the audience was comprised of French fans who had travelled all the way to hear their idol. Five thousand of them took the special chartered planes for a three-day lightning trip to the capital of Nevada.